Shining a Light On Cape Breton's Local Businesses | Spotlight Series

Local businesses are the pride and joy of our island, breathing new life into the streets; from quaint coffee shops to family-owned restaurants, cozy bookstores to vibrant art galleries, or farmers markets to passionate hobby shops, Cape Breton offers something for everyone. It’s because of these local businesses and the great people behind them that Cape Breton is able to flourish; the Chamber wants to shine a light on these local businesses and their owners by introducing our new ‘Spotlight Series’.

Why are local businesses so important? Whether we realize it or not, local businesses are the lifeblood of Cape Breton, both economically and culturally. Local businesses help create more jobs and they stimulate our economy. The local business scene also highlights Cape Breton’s unique charm and brings personality to the streets of the CBRM

The Spotlight Series campaign will highlight these businesses by using social media and blog posts to give these establishments the credit they deserve. The posts will highlight the business’ products, the owner’s story, and any deals they may offer. The Spotlight Series is a way to connect the business to potential new customers, fostering new life in the streets of Cape Breton.

The goal of this campaign is to shine a light on these local businesses and spotlight their products, services, and stories to customers. So, how can Chamber Members get involved? To book a meeting time go to Book time with Intern: Spotlight Series, or email [email protected]. Meetings will take place at the business location, allowing business owners to share their stories and showcase their offerings. If you are a local business looking to join the Cape Breton Regional Chamber of Commerce and join the campaign, contact [email protected].