Shop. Eat. Give. Celebrate. Local.
Supporting local businesses means supporting our neighbours and our neighbourhoods. It’s about celebrating the good in our communities and the humanity behind our local economy.
At the start of November 2021, The Cape Breton Regional Chamber of Commerce kicked-off its Step Up for Local campaign by giving away more than $18,000 in gift cards from local businesses to organizations and employees that have been essential throughout the pandemic.
The Chamber team drove the Step Up for Local van throughout the CBRM, and visited essential workers at local organizations and businesses. To say ‘thank you’ for their efforts over the past 20 months, they distributed gift cards through a one-of-a-kind, custom vending machine. At the same time, they delivered one big message: Step Up for Local.
Now, it’s your turn to Step Up For Local by winning a trip to our Step Up For Local van and one-of-a-kind vending machine to receive a gift card to one, or multiple, of over 70 local businesses by entering in our our Step Up For Local Photo Contest!
Less money leaves the community
45 cents of every dollar spent at a locally owned business stays in the local economy versus 14 cents spent at large chains.
The money that stays cycles
This creates tax revenues to fund healthcare, education, safer communities, streets, and sidewalks.
Local businesses pay it forward
Not only are local businesses more likely to support other local businesses, but they also contribute 2.5 times more to local initiatives and non-profits than non-local owners.
Better service
Local businesses, including B2B, professional services and retail, are more in tune with the local landscape and the needs of the community members.
Create jobs
Small businesses employ the largest workforce base in the country, employing 70% of all Canadians.
Local businesses care more
Local businesses are more eager to reflect their communities’ values, needs, and feedback than big chains.

Step up as a local business
We are painting the town yellow by putting decals in the windows of businesses that are interested in supporting this initiative.

Step up as a community member
Make a conscious decision to spend locally. Whether you are shopping, eating, giving, or celebrating, think local first.