Content Marketing with AI | Free Workplace Education 2025 - Friday Morning

Start Date: Friday, January 24, 2024
Time: Fridays 9:00am – 12:30pm
Length: 11 Weeks
Location: Virtual Via Zoom
Cost: Free
Requirements: Must be currently employed or self-employed in Nova Scotia.


Course Description

The Content Marketing program is designed for business owners with an understanding of their target audience and ideal position in the market. A program such as Social Media will teach the mechanics of using various platforms for business, Content Marketing is instead focused on how to properly develop and use content on social media platforms in order to reach your audience. This course will teach you how to plan your social media marketing campaigns, grow your online following, and analyze and measure engagement.

Learning Outcomes & Standard Topics

  • Build a content marketing strategy
  • Track and calculate engagement
  • Develop SOPs for creating, uploading and storing content
  • Craft content based on content pillars and categories

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Content Marketing with AI - Friday 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Please fill out the form below to register

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