Microsoft Excel for Business Level 1 | Free Workplace Education

Start Date: September 20
Time: Monday from 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm for 10 weeks totalling 40 hours
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Cost: Free
Prerequisite: Currently employed in a Nova Scotia Business and have basic computer skills.

Course Description

This 40 Hr course will explore features inside MS Excel that are overlooked or under-utilized by many NS Businesses. The components of training can be broken into the following topic areas:
  • Navigating Excel
  • Formatting Spreadsheets
  • Formula Creation
  • Analyzing Data
  • Pivot Tables
  • Sorting & Filtering
  • Essential Business Tools and Tips
This course is designed to make participants more productive with their Excel usage and more confident with finding necessary shortcuts to help eliminate repetitive tasks.

Please contact Melissa at [email protected] for more information or sign up using the form below.

Course Registration

Please fill out the form below to register

"*" indicates required fields

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